Friday, September 19, 2008

my name is Shirley and i am a Christian!!

My name is Shirley and i am a Christian!

I was born a catholic christian. My parents chose it for me and i did'nt even had a chance of refusing and saying "hey come on! dont u wanna ask me first!". Hehehe.. cuz how can u expect a baby to choose?

As i grew up, i was doing what i thought a real christian should be doing. I guess i perceived it as pretty normal to go to church every sunday and pray. Not an obligation per se but something like a trend cuz everybody is going so i go too! At a very young age, i learned how to pray the rosary and devote myself into a novena. I had this notion that i'm gonna get the things i asked for through prayers. Well, in a sense it is true but as a kid back then the things i desire are mostly material things. Ooopppss! Dont judge me as materialistic yet.. i'm just a kid back then!

Three decades later, i still say "my name is Shirley and i am a Christian!"

But the difference is now I chose to be one. I chose to remain a Christian. And I’m very blessed to be given the grace of knowing it. When i say i am a Christian, I’m not saying i am holy but I’m admitting that i am a sinner who needs Jesus Christ to save me. I’m not shouting I’m strong but I’m whispering I’m weak and that I am receiving strength from God to hold me together. I am flawed but Jesus accepted me for who I am with all my imperfections. I was once lost but HE found me and took me in HIS house. I still feel pain and everyday life is not easy but HE is helping me to go through it and live a full life in spite of all the odds. I still desire for things but I now know what things really matters. Once in a while I stumble and fall but I don’t feel inadequate cuz I know my Jesus will just laugh at me from a distance telling me “it’s okay my child! You get up and move on”. I failed for so many times but HE helped me succeed in most important areas of my life.

Looking back, I realized God has always been there for me. I am not aware of it then but Jesus took care of me. I may not be the most successful person in the whole world. I don’t have the fame and money everyone desires. I have only a few things on my plate. But Jesus made sure those few things are the essential things I would need to appreciate who I am right now.

I am not perfect! I feel pain and too inadequate at times! But I always feel loved by Jesus giving me this wonderful peace that no matter what happens I will always be the child HE longs for!

So I gladly say “my name is Shirley and I am a Christian!”


pamela said...

sis this is a nice piece. thanks for sharing your thoughts.

shirley said...

thanks sis!
im glad u enjoy it.